Your say - our services

Read about some of our recent customer consultations and keep up to date with how we are using your feedback.

What we've been up to


Between October, November and December, we... 

Did you see our last round-up? 



What do we mean by 'consultation'?

By consultation, we mean asking you - our customers, for your thoughts and feedback. It means having a discussion and bringing you into the process of improving our services. We want you to tell us the good, the bad and the in-between. 

Depending on what we are looking at, we might ask for feedback through an online survey, or we might also invite you into our Office for an in-person discussion.

Want to be more involved and be notified of upcoming consultations?* Become a member of our Digital Panel and have you say from the comfort of your own home.

*Depending on the consultation, we may only ask customers who have had direct experience of a particular service from us.


Our recent consultations

This year we've been busy listening to you - our customers - about how we can improve our services. See what we've been up to below. 

October - December 2024

ASB & Hate Crime Policy

In November 2024, we asked for feedback on our Anti-social behaviour & Hate Crime Policy. Read more about our customer consultation...

July - September 2024

Communal Spaces (Fire Safety) Consultation

In August 2024, we asked you what you did and didn't like about what was a draft policy. We used your feedback to shape the policy that has now been approved.

Mutual Exchange Policy Consultation

In July 2024, we asked for feedback on our Mutual Exchange (MX) Policy - whether you'd heard of it or not!

Earlier consultations