Scrutiny Panel - End of Tenancy

This Scrutiny Panel saw our customers looking into our end of tenancy process and making recommendations on how we can improve.

End of tenancy - your recommendations

In winter 2023, 5 tenants and 1 shared owner discussed our end of tenancy process here at the Trust, and how it can be improved.

This Scrutiny Panel made 14 recommendations and we'll be working hard to implement them over the coming months.

6 of the recommendations have been completed and 8 are still in progress.

  • Make the form available in large print.
  • Make the boxes coloured to make it easier to read.
  • Remove all options from adaptations list and instead add one box that states 'has the property had any improvements or adaptations? e.g. stairlift, handrails.

Have a look at our updated form.

  • The Panel recommended that the Trust should send a receipt for keys to offer reassurance that these have been received.

The Customer Experience Team are now issuing receipts when customers hand in keys. This can be either paper or email - the customer is given a choice. 

  • Ensure the Customer Service Experience Team have access to a list of charities who help to remove items such as white goods. The team will be able to signpost customers to these support agencies. 

  • More information about meter readings and how they should be left, e.g. £0. 

This will be included in the new customers guide to lettable and return standard.

  • The Panel agreed that fewer words and more graphics on the 'further information' section of the website and the end of tenancy form would be better.

A draft design is currently underway.

  • The Panel suggested that we investigate adding a link to the website, signposting customers to checklists about what is involved in moving house.

This is currently in progress and information will be added to the website.

  • The Panel recommended adding 'thank you' to the final letter that explains all arrears have been cleared from the former tenant's account. 

The letters have now been updated. 

  • The Panel suggested that we review how the Trust captures feedback about customer's experience at the end of the tenancy process.
  • This includes introducing transactional surveys once keys have been received. 

A survey is now sent to former customers 'your experience of ending your tenancy'.

  • The Panel recommended creating a log of reasons behind customers not agreeing to end of tenancy visits. 

We note this information on our systems.

The Panel also recommended

  • That a written end of tenancy procedure should be created for the Income Team to help maintain consistency in the service that customers receive. This action was completed in April 2024.

  • The Panel also identified that decoration vouchers were listed on the 'lettable standard checklist'. They recommended that the Trust remove this line if it is not something that we offer to new tenants. This has now been done.

  • The Panel recommended that we create a checklist of key points about lettable and return standards, to outline what is expected of the tenant. We are finalising this document, and will share it soon.

  • Working with Voids and Neighbourhoods, the Panel said that we should update the procedure to ensure it is clear and easy to read for staff. This document is currently being completed.

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