Poynton and Disley

Poynton residents can access a wide range of support from our staff, from keeping your home safe and caring for the shared green spaces to tackling ASB and listening to your views. We're here for our residents in Poynton and Disley.

Your Neighbourhood Team for Poynton and Disley

The Income Officers for Poynton and Disley are Hannah Pickup and Claire Waterhouse.

Who are the Income Team? 

Our team of five works with any customer who needs us. We help them to pay their rent and service charges and support them in maintaining their tenancy.

What do we do? 


  • help with benefit claims 
  • signpost customers to sources of help (eg food banks and financial support)
  • work with customers to develop and implement payment plans 
  • support previous tenants to clear their debts
  • visit our customers if necessary
  • link in with other community-based activities that provide a wide range of support.

The Neighbourhood Officer for this area is Charlotte Crisp.

You can contact Charlotte by emailing trust@peaksplains.org

What's happening in your area...

Events and meetings

In February 2024, our teams were out and about in your area to make sure everything is as it should be.

We'll be holding more Estate Walkabouts in your area soon. We will aim to identify health & safety issues through estate inspections, and scheme visits by our officers, but welcome you to contact us and report anything you see too.

Estate inspections

We'll be in Poynton on January 31st 2025. Stop us and say hi!

Customer satisfaction

From April-June 2024, customers* living in Poynton and Disley told us they were 92% satisfied with the overall service from us.

  • 100% of customers said that their home was well maintained.

  • However only 40% of customers were satisfied with how we handled their complaint.

Find out how we are doing - from repairs performance and customer satisfaction to the impact we have on our communities and the work we do with partners here: Our Performance.

*12 customers completed the survey

Customers, homes and other properties

  • Average age of a Peaks & Plains customer is 55.

  • Average age of Peaks & Plains customers who live in Poynton and Disley is 58.

In Poynton and Disley, we have 396 homes. These are made up of:

  • 135 bungalows

  • 100 flats

  • 161 houses

In the area we also have:

  • 73 garages

  • 60 inside shared spaces.

    Did you know we’ll install smoke and/or heat detectors to current fire safety regulations in all shared spaces and service these in line with the British Standard?

We make sure that our homes are well maintained and safe

We plan to invest £1,375,498 over the next 1 - 5 years in this area. 

  • Every year, we service 959 gas appliances in the area.  

  • All gas heating systems including gas boilers, gas fires and other gas appliances that have been provided by us will be serviced annually. 

  • We’ll install and maintain carbon monoxide monitors in all homes with an open flue, solid fuel or where the boiler is in a bedroom/living area. 

  • All domestic and communal electrical wiring will be tested every 5 years.

  • We will carry out surveys and maintain an asbestos register which will record the presence of any asbestos in internal and communal areas. We will repeat this survey according to best practice guidelines. These guidelines differ depending upon the type, location and condition of any asbestos found.
  • See also: Safety at home 

Windows in all homes will be double glazed, and loft insulation will be improved as much as possible to help reduce your energy bills. Where appropriate we will also install alternative technology such as air source heat pumps or solar panels. 

We’ll respond to all requests for adaptations from occupational therapists and install level access showers as a replacement to baths in all older person accommodation. 

See also: Aids and adaptations

External painting and internal communal areas will be repainted every 7 years.

(Unless lease agreements specify earlier, or the condition of individual schemes requires a different timescale.)

The approach to replacing all major building components (such as windows, doors, kitchens and boilers) will depend on their current condition and whether they form part of our improvements programme of work. 

Stock condition surveys and individual inspections will take place to determine whether replacement is required. This will identify where a component needs to be replaced earlier than scheduled, or where replacement works can be rescheduled due to the component not needing to be replaced. 

Your voice in Poynton and Disley

Rach, our Customer Voice Manager, runs our Challenge Group meetings.

Rach, our Customer Voice Manager, runs our Challenge Group meetings.

Meeting our involved residents

One member of our Grounds Maintenance Residents Group lives in this area.

Why don't you consider getting involved too?

Read more about what we've learnt from recent complaints

Anti-social behaviour

We believe everyone has the right to enjoy their home and live peacefully alongside their neighbours. To make sure this is possible each person must play their part. 

During June-April 2024, 75% of 12 customers living in your area who responded to our survey said they were satisfied with our approach to ASB.

In the last 12 months, we have dealt with and resolved 18 anti-social behaviour cases in the area. Here is a summary.

  • 3 neighbour disputes 

  • 5 noise-related

  • 1 threatening behaviour

  • 1 substance abuse

  • 2 assault

  • 1 property damage

  • animals and pets

  • 1 dangerous dog 

  • vandalism 

  • domestic abuse case

The Trust takes a multi-agency approach to dealing with ASB, there are a number of early interventions we can take such as referring cases for mediation, referring cases into complex case forums, using warnings and acceptable behaviour contracts and where necessary taking legal action such as a Civil Injunction or Possession Proceedings. We work closely with the Police and when required support them when they apply for a Closure Order against a property managed by the Trust. In most cases early interventions are successful and the Trust is able to resolve issues at the earliest opportunity.

Find out more about what we mean by 'anti-social behaviour' and how you can report it.

Related links from the Trust

Get involved in your community

We are looking for people in Poynton and Disley to help us to shape and improve our services. Would you like to get involved?

Feedback on our Neighbourhood Plans

* indicates a compulsory field

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