Your home

Your home is at the heart of your relationship with us. Working together, we’ll both make sure you can continue to enjoy it.

The Trust Tenant Charter

We will provide a safe, affordable, well-maintained quality home.

You will look after your home and do your bit to keep it in good condition.

A member of our Repairs Team greets a customer at their door.



What you can expect from us

  • We will carry out an annual gas safety check on your home.
  • We will carry out an Electrical Installation Condition - we will do this at least once every five years.

  • Routine repairs will be offered within 28 days. 
  • Emergency repairs on site within four hours - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Head over to our repairs webpage.

  • We will remove reported fly-tipping (if this is on our land) within 72 hours of notification - excluding weekends. 
  • We will remove graffiti within two working days of receiving the report.
  • If we receive a report of pests, we will visit the reported area/property within five working days.

Read more about Grounds Maintenance and what your responsibilities are.

  • We will ensure that you have working smoke alarms on each floor at the start of your tenancy. We will carry out repairs if you tell us it's not working.
  • We will carry out annual fire door inspections (this might not apply to your property).
  • Live at Range Court, Pennine Court or The Crossings? We will check your fire doors annually.

Read more about fire safety in your home.


  • Timescales are agreed as per the Pre-Action Protocol for Housing Conditions Claims.

Insurance claims

  • Timescales are dependent on the type of claim. This is set by the insurer. 

You will:

  • Take good care of the property including reporting repairs and allowing access.

Find out more about you and your home