Application form to remove a joint tenant from the tenancy PDF (84KB)
Everything you need to know about removing a tenancy.
Ending a joint tenancy
Either tenant can end their joint tenancy, or an application can be made to the court to end the same tenancy.
To request to end a joint tenancy, please complete this application form and send to trust@peaksplains.org. Please note, this is an application and in some circumstances, it might be rejected.
Application form to remove a joint tenant from the tenancy PDF (84KB)
In special circumstances, when someone may be put at risk of harm or where there has been a breakdown in a relationship, please email the Trust explaining your request to end the tenancy: trust@peaksplains.org
The Trust will only add a joint tenant to a tenancy in the initial sign-up stage of the tenancy.
Removing household members
If you would like to remove a member of your household, who is listed as an occupant, from your tenancy, complete the form below with their details and we will contact you within five working days,
It is important that if you are claiming Housing Benefit, you let Cheshire East Council know as soon as possible about this change as your housing benefit payments may be affected.
Email Benefits at Cheshire East Council: benefits@cheshireeast.gov.uk or call 0300 123 5013
When a joint tenant dies
If someone who is a joint tenant dies we can help you to remove them from the tenancy. Please email a copy or photo of the death certificate and we’ll do the rest.