Pets and other animals

Pets in your home? You might need permission from us.

You might need permission from us to have a pet in your home. To request permission for your pet, please complete our form at the bottom of this page. 

There are certain animals that you do not have permission to keep. This includes farm animals, poisonous animals or those that are endangered. 

If permission is granted, you may be able to keep any of the following in our properties:

  • Small caged birds
  • Small caged animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs

  • Fish

  • Non-venomous insects
  • Non-venomous reptiles
  • Cats

You may be able to have dogs in your property, but you will need to request permission. Requests will be granted on a case-by-case basis.

If you live in high rise flats or sheltered accommodation, you (or anyone living with you or visiting you) must not keep dogs. We will of course accept guide, hearing, or medical assistance dogs. For assistance dogs, written confirmation that they have been trained by an ADI (Assistance Dogs International) or an IGDF (International Guide Dog Federation) accredited organisation will be required. 

We are following government guidance in relation to XL Bully dogs. Owners of XL Bully dogs will have to abide by government rules as well as obtaining permission from us to have these pets at their address. Take a look at the current government guidance

As a Trust, we take breach of tenancy in relation to pet behaviour very seriously. Dog fouling on PPHT land will not be tolerated and we may seek assistance from the Cheshire East Council Enforcement Team in issuing Fixed Penalty Notices.

Breach of tenancy in relation to noise created by your pet, anti-social behaviour or dog fouling, could lead to enforcement action and removal of the permission granted to keep the pet.

Umbraco Forms requires a validation framework to run, please read documentation for posible options.
See Umbraco Forms Documentation

Request permission for a pet

* indicates a compulsory field

If you chose dog, what breed is the dog? (Please note that if the breed is an XL Bully, you will need to provide a government issued Certificate of Exemption. Permission will not be granted without this certificate).
I understand that I am fully responsible for the care, welfare and behaviour of my pet(s) and will ensure they do not cause any nuisance or distress to my neighbours or others.
Alternative accommodation must then be sought for the pet.