A warm, winter thank you

This week, our staff have been packing and delivering children's presents, food parcels and ‘winter warmers’ to members of our community. This has all been made possible by the generosity of our wonderful partners and suppliers.

As a community, 2020 has been one of the most challenging years that we have faced in recent memory. That’s one of the reasons why we are so grateful for our suppliers' donations.

Everyone deserves to be warm, well fed and able to celebrate this season’s festivities – especially after such a difficult year.

Our gifts, food parcels and 'winter warmer' packs were made possible by our suppliers (below).


Emma Richman, Director of Operations at Peaks & Plains, said: 


Thank you to everyone involved in this project – we are so pleased to have been able to support members of our community who have had a particularly rough time.


Protective Wear UK kindly donated to our packs. They told us that:


“It has been a difficult year all round but community spirit is stronger than ever… which is why we wanted to support Peaks & Plains with their winter warmer packs. We’re all here for you. Our passion is to protect our customers – and we’re delighted to be able to extend that to their customers too.”


We are likewise grateful that MSB Solicitors generously contributed £500 towards our packs. 


MSB are delighted to contribute to a great cause that will go some way to help people in need this winter.


Connolly LTD, who kindly gave us £1000 worth of Amazon vouchers, told us that:


We’re delighted to have donated £1000 worth of amazon vouchers towards this fantastic cause. Christmas is a time for giving back, so we’re proud to be supporting Cheshire Peaks & Plains, providing packages for vulnerable people within the community


Meanwhile, The Vaillant Group, who donated £700 towards our initiative, told us that  they believe ‘social responsibility is one of the key areas that the Vaillant Group should be investing time in. Vaillant Group and Vaillant UK have well developed programs of corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects that operate on an international and local level. From working with SOS Children’s Villages to construct new buildings in Africa to sponsoring local football teams, Vaillant Group and its subsidiaries work hard to support and drive charitable initiatives that make a positive contribution to communities around the world. We even give our staff days off to help with the charitable causes that are close to their hearts. In addition to these initiatives, Vaillant UK continually supports our customers in the social housing market with their own CSR programs'.


From helping to introduce electric car schemes to cleaning the streets, we’re proud to contribute our skills, people and facilities to aid a variety of projects across the UK


Moreover, The Valiant Group commented that 'these projects are in addition to providing the products, service and support that help to reduce energy bills and carbon emissions in social housing properties across the UK’.


Sure Maintenance also kindly donated 30 winter packs. Their managing director, Patrick Coleman, told us that: 


Sure Maintenance are proud to support Peaks & Plains in assisting vulnerable and elderly people this winter by providing 30 Winter Warmer Packs consisting of tea, coffee, food, gloves and blankets. We appreciate the difficult times people are going through during the pandemic, and will help wherever we can.


We want to issue a big thank you to all our suppliers and volunteers for their time and their donations – it’s wonderful to see our community come together to support its members after such a challenging year.


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