Stay safe this spooky season

Our Fire Safety Compliance Officer - Tom - tell us how to stay fire safe whilst enjoying ourselves this Halloween and Bonfire night.

As we head into the Halloween and Bonfire Night period, the last thing that anybody wants is for any avoidable injuries to occur or for your night to end with the fire services waking the kids or the dog up! 

Here are some quick tips to help keep the fun going without any fiery mishaps.

Halloween: Stay Spooky, Not Smoky

  • Flammable fashion? Best check the label!

Before you throw on that old vampire cape that's been sat in your loft for the past ten years or that witchy gown, stop and check the label to ensure the costume is made of fire resistant fabrics. Same goes for the kids outfits!

Any outfits that are not fire resistant should be avoided. 


  • Pumpkins: LED, not flames

It's advisable to switch out the real tea lights or candles for LED ones. These will give the same eerie glow as the real ones without the risk of your porch being set ablaze. They also don't blow out which is a bonus.

The same advice can be given for any candles that you may be tempted to light in your house for that spooky Halloween effect.

Make sure that any candles are not left unsupervised or placed next to any flammable/explosive materials, and especially make sure that children or pets do not go near any ignition sources. 


Bonfire Night: Don't let your night go up in flames!

It's always going to be safer attending a local organised event, but if you do decide to host your own bonfire night event, here is some important advice to follow to keep everybody safe. 

  • Bonfire Basics

Keep your bonfire well-contained and away from anything that the fire could spread to i.e. anything flammable - houses, fences, shrubbery or that one clumsy member of the family. Always have water or a portable extinguisher at hand just in case. 

Check the weather forecast for information on wind direction (wind can blow the fires embers) and to ensure that the weather is going to be suitable. 

Never leave your bonfire unattended, keep children and animals well away from the fire at all times. The fire should be supervised by an adult until it has fully burnt out and cold water should be poured over the ashes to be sure the fire is fully out.

Lastly, do not add any dangerous items to the fire such as household waste, flammable materials (for example petrol) or items such as fireworks, gas canisters or batteries. 

More information can be found here Bonfire Safety.


  • Fireworks: Read, Aim and Fire (Upwards)

When setting off fireworks, always ensure that you read the instructions on each firework and aim them towards the sky - not towards your house or your neighbours!

Make sure any fireworks are kept in a metal box, are used one at a time and keep naked flames away from them. Light fireworks at arms length with a taper and keep your distance. Never return to a fire work once it has been lit. 

Ensure that children are supervised at all times around fireworks and keep your pets indoors.

If you have sparklers, light them one at a time and hold gloves and once again, ensure children are supervised at all times. 

For further info on keeping yourself and others safe around fire works, please follow this link Fireworks Safety Advice


See something that isn't right - let us know

Most people are looking to enjoy themselves during this period, but you do get the odd ones that might be looking to spoil the fun for others. To report any anti-social behaviour you can call us on 0800 012 1311, email us or complete our online form.

If you are in immediate danger call 999.

If any of you are out and about and come across anything that looks potentially dangerous, please report it to  

With all that being said, enjoy both nights and stay safe! 

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