How do we invest in homes? Why? When? Hold us to account in our new Customer Panel

You'll meet with our Assistant Director of Asset, Development and Compliance every 6 months to challenge our long term approach to the safety and quality of our homes. Here's everything you need to know.

This new group is, for now, called the Asset Management Monitoring Group - but we know this isn't a perfect title and doesn't really describe what you'll do. You can help us decide a better name when you're part of the group!

What will the group do?

You'll look at how our homes are meeting the standards set by the government and Regulator of Social Housing, making sure we're doing everything we should be to keep our customers safe in their homes. 

During each meeting, you'll go through our 'Asset Management Strategy action plan' - this is a document that we'll put up on the screen in our office, and lists everything we need to do to keep our homes at the right standard. 

This covers how and when we build new homes - and what these homes will look like - and it covers the sustainability of our homes, like how we're improving their energy efficiency. It could include how often we put in new kitchen and bathrooms, and why.

Your role in challenging us and holding us to account will reassure our other customers that we really are doing everything we can to keep them safe in quality homes.

You'll also:

Who can apply?

Anybody who lives in one of our homes can join - whether you're a tenant, Shared Owner, or leaseholder.

How much time will this take?

You'll meet at least twice a year for about an hour and a half.

There will be opportunities to join meetings in between too, but you'll get at least 5 days notice, and you might not need to join us in person: we can send you information through the post or via email for you to add your feedback.

Worried about your caring responsibilities, or travel?

We can cover the cost of your return taxi and we can reimbuse the cost of care too. Email us at if you'd like some more information on this. 

We want to work with you and will do what we can to help you attend. If you can't attend but want to, let us know! We'll see if we can work around it.

Register your interest

Asset Management Monitoring Group

* indicates a compulsory field

If you have any vulnerabilities or disabilities that you'd like us to know about, tell us here.

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