Our performance

From repairs to customer satisfaction, the work we do with our partners and the impact that we have on our communities. Find out how we are doing.

In January 2022, we put it to you. How do you want to keep track of how we are doing?

As a result of your feedback, we created a set of 'performance indicators' - so you can hold us to account.

We set our performance targets based on whether you thought these were too high, too low or just right. Have a read below. 

Our recent performance



Text version for easy-reading

We use this to understand customer satisfaction with the ASB service, following case closure.

  • There was an increase in ASB cases during June, however this is in line with previous years and tends to increase over the summer months.

We use this to understand customer satisfaction with the ASB service, following case closure.

  • Although the overall figure has decreased, this is still considered positive.

  • This can be explained by the low number of responses we have been able to complete.

To understand what percentage of complaints that are being dealt with within agreed timescales for all stages of the policy (year to date).

  • All complaints were responded to within timescale.
  • Two extensions were given - both at investigation stage due to new information and the need for an inspection.

To understand what percentage of calls are dealt with by the Contact Centre Right First Time (RFT) without the need for a call back

  • We answered 2,147 calls and raised 163 ‘call backs’.

GM refers to Grounds Maintenance.

To ensure service failures and processes are identified and discussed. To aim for right first time, on time response

  • Most of the complaints received from April - June were around having Grounds Maintenance contractor challenges. There have been no complaints regarding the cleaning service.

Providing figure for complaints being upheld against the Trust

  • 15 out of 25 complaints were upheld
  • Repairs upheld the most (9), then Estates (3).
  • The main three causes of these were delays, expectations not being met and communication.

To monitor variances in compliments received

  • There were 12 compliments from staff and 50 from customers.
  • Repairs received the most (9), Estates (8) and Contractors (8).

To monitor average length of time for call to be answered by an Advisor

  • The average call handling time was 2 minutes 18 seconds.

Our Customer Experience Team are a multi channel contact centre, the figure demonstrates the digital aspect of the responsibilities of the Team.

  • The average time taken to answer live chats was 2 minutes and 26 seconds.
  • This was an increase from May, due to a reduction in usual staffing levels.


Year to date - days. To ensure routine repairs on average are being completed in a timely manner and meeting Trust targets.

  • There has been an increase in the average time due to sickness and annual leave amongst staff.
  • Diary capacity has improved however due to the repairs outsourcing project and we will see continued improvements in the coming months.

Year to date - days. To ensure planned repairs on average are being completed in a timely manner and meeting Trust targets.

  • The average time to complete a planned repair has increased slightly due to the repairs outsourcing project.
  • Once this project is complete, these figures will improve.


To ensure we are driving efficiencies by completing repairs on first visit.

  • There has been a slight drop in the percentage of first time fixes and continued improvement over the next few months is needed.

To ensure emergency repairs are being delivered in a timely manner and meeting Trust targets.

  • The one attended to outside of this target is due to user error which is being addressed.

To ensure we are optimising delivery and meeting customer expectations.

  • Good news, 7.2% of appointments were also brought forward.

Compliance with Home Standard.

  • As at the end of June 2024 there were 28 properties which did not meet the Decent Homes Standard, (12 of which are void).
  • These are due to structural issues, damp, mould & condensation hand electrical hazards. We are aware of these and working with customers to resolve outstanding works.

This is to measure satisfaction with the improvement programme.

  • Complaints have been increasing as a result of the Grounds Maintenance problems.
  • Delays with the new contractor, poor weather and machine failure has contributed to grass cutting issues.

To measure satisfaction with compliance activity.

  • Results show 100% tenant satisfaction in this area.

To provide high level indication of compliance across all areas.

  • In June, 43 out of 51 compliance areas were at 100%.
  • There has been a slight reduction in performance in Air Source Heat Pumps and Unvented Cylinders due to further staffing issues at Phoenix.

Our performance last year

Have a question?

If you have any questions or comments, or want to see our performance in another area, get in touch.

You can contact us by emailing getinvolved@peaksplains.org.

Text version for easy-reading

Contacting us

• 1 minute 59 seconds average call waiting time (target 3 minutes)

On average call waiting times are well within our target of three minutes. We strive to answer your call as quickly as possible and ensure that quality is maintained each time you contact us. If you can avoid our busiest times which is usually 9-10.30am, we can usually answer calls even more quickly. 

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

• Average number of compliments received - 49
• 95% of Customer Service enquiries resolved first time (target 92%)

We’re delighted to continue to be resolving the majority of customer calls first time. We invest time in training our Customer Services team to keep them up to date with all services. Occasionally, we may be unable to resolve your call straight away but we'll ensure you get a call back from one of the team who can help.

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

How well we handle your repairs

• 89% of repairs jobs that are sorted first time around (target 92%)
• 68 days average time to complete a planned repair (target 85)
• 99% of emergencies attended within 4 hours (target 100%)
• 94% of appointments made and kept (target 95%)

Tenant satisfaction

• 39% satisfaction with complaint handling
• 68% overall tenant satisfaction (target 80%)
• 81% of customers satisfied with our ASB service (target 80%)
• 99% people who are satisfied with their home improvement (target 95%)
• NA%* of people who are satisfied with their new home (target 100%). (*There were no new build handovers over these three months).

We’re seeking ways to improve how we deal with customer complaints, including making direct contact with customers and resolving complaints quickly.

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

The condition and safety of your home

• 100% of homes with a gas supply that have an in date annual gas safety certificate (target 100%)
• 99% of homes with an electrical safety certificate that is less than 10 years old (target 100%)
• 99.5% of all safety testing, servicing and inspection completed year to date (target 100%)

Every Trust property with a gas supply has had a Landlords Gas Safety Record completed within the last 12 months, all the paperwork for which is held centrally.

Laura Burton – Compliance Manager

Quality of our grounds maintenance

• 81%* completion of agreed work by our grounds maintenance contractor (target 95%)
• 0 complaints we get each month about grounds maintenance

*The contract for Idverde came to an end on 31st December 2023. We are in the process of consultation prior to awarding the new contract. Collation of comments and responses will be provided on our website for public viewing along with the award details.

Complaints for all our services

• 14 number of investigation* complaints received
• 99.7% of complaints responded within time frames (target 100%)

*Investigation stage is the initial stage of our formal complaints procedure.

We continue to answer the majority of complaints in time and strive to stay within the given timescales. When we are unable to do this, we will explain the reason why and agree a new date. 

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

If you have any questions or comments, or want to see our performance in another area, get in touch. You can contact us by emailing getinvolved@peaksplains.org.

How we performed (July – September 2023)

Contacting us

• 1 minute 16 seconds average call waiting time (target 3 minutes)

Our call waiting times are well within our target of three minutes. If you can avoid our busiest times, we can usually answer calls even more quickly.

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

• Average number of complaints received - 41
• 93% of Customer Service enquiries resolved first time (target 92%)

We’re delighted to continue to be resolving most customer calls first time. If we can’t resolve your call straight away, we’ll ensure you get a call back from one of the team who can help.

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

How well we handle your repairs

• 86% of repairs jobs that are sorted first time around (target 92%)
• 72 days average time to complete a planned repair (target 85)
• 99% of emergencies attended within 4 hours (target 100%)
• 93% of appointments made and kept (target 95%)

Tenant satisfaction

• 39% satisfaction with complaint handling
• 72% overall tenant satisfaction (target 80%)
• 95% of customers satisfied with our ASB service (target 80%)
• 99% people who are satisfied with their home improvement (target 95%)
• 100% of people who are satisfied with their new home (target 100%)

We’re seeking ways to improve how we deal with customer complaints, including making direct contact with customers and resolving complaints quickly.

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

We are really pleased that the ASB satisfaction has been increasing each month. We have amended our processes and introduced risk assessment, action plans and case closure letters for customers, giving them more oversight how their case has been managed and resolved and this is reflective in the increase in satisfaction.

Donna Bradley – Customer Resolution and Enforcement Manager

The condition and safety of your home

• 100% of homes with a gas supply that have an in date annual gas safety certificate (target 100%)
• 99% of homes with an electrical safety certificate that is less than 10 years old (target 100%)
• 99.5% of all safety testing, servicing and inspection completed year to date (target 100%)

Within a year we completed 12,690 compliance based services, tests and inspections. Each month we monitor how many of these tests have surpassed their due date, and across the year we had an average of 99.5% of services completed ahead of their due date; meaning that on 59 out of the 12,690 were completed after their due dates.

Laura Burton – Compliance Manager

Quality of our grounds maintenance

• 71% completion of agreed work by our grounds maintenance contractor (target 95%)
• We get fewer than 1* complaints each month about grounds maintenance

*This figure only includes complaints at investigation and review stage. A form on the website was created in June due to the volume of phone calls we were receiving asking when the grass would be cut. This reduced this type of query to customer experience team and is still in place to date. We currently have no plans to remove this method of contact.

Complaints for all our services

• 13.82 number of investigation complaints received
• 99.6% of complaints responded within time frames (target 100%)

We value all complaint feedback and will work hard to put things right. The number of complaints we receive is reduced from last year.

Amanda Libecans – Customer Experience Manager

If you have any questions or comments, or want to see our performance in another area, get in touch. You can contact us by emailing getinvolved@peaksplains.org.

See also

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